From RESTful API to gRPC

gRPC has been around for a while now, but never gained the first-class citizen title when it came to implementing a downstream API.

    It is contract-based, performant - with smaller response/request bodies, perfect for polyglot environments and supports different models – from client-server to bi-directional streaming out of the box. If we sprinkle some client-side load balancing, transient fault-handling and the ability of exposing a gRPC service also as a HTTP API, we might the perfect point-to-point communication mechanism.

    In this workshop you will learn the how and the whys and understand where gRPC fits in the .NET APIs ecosystem. At the end of the workshop you will be able to use gRPC in real production environments.

    Topics covered:

    - What gRPC is and how it fits in an API context
    - gRPC vs RESTful APIs
    - gRPC vs WCF

    Protocol Buffers
    - working with .proto files
    - understanding the syntax
    - defining custom types

    Working with gRPC
    - the 4 gRPC modes
    - Implementing and consuming gRPC services
    - Documenting and exposing gRPC endpoints

    gRPC internals
    - Accessing the gRPC context
    - Accessing the gRPC HTTP context
    - Trailers
    - Headers
    - Status codes in gRPC
    - Exceptions in gRPC

    Transient fault-handling
    - Defining policies
    - Configuring a retry policy
    - Configuring a hedging policy

    - Client interceptors
    - Server interceptors
    - Configuring interceptors
    - Interceptors vs Middleware

    Client-side load balancing
    - implementing a client-side load balancing
    - Configuring client side load balancing
    - load balancing policies
    - Round-Robin
    - Pick first
    - Implementing our own policy

    - what is is gRPC transcoding
    - exposing our services as HTTP
    - Consuming methods from the browser
    - How routing works with gRPC transconding
    - gRPC JSON transcoding vs gRPC-Web
    - grpc-gateway - alternative to transcoding

    - Testing with Postman
    - Unit testing service operations

    - Implementing health checks

    Securing gRPC services

    Documenting gRPC endpoints

    Attendees will require a laptop with the latest version on .NET SDK and their editor/IDE of choice: Visuals Studio 2022

    Irina Dominte (Scurtu)
    Software Architect @ Particular Software

    Software Architect @Particular Software, Microsoft MVP for Developer Technologies, Microsoft Certified Trainer, always in a quest for the latest trends and best practices in architecture, .NET, and the world around it.

    Irina has more than 1000 hours of delivered training, workshops, and presentations, is passionate about .NET and the world around it.

    She is the founder of DotNet Iasi User Group where she tries to gather people who are willing to share their knowledge with others, and from time to time publishes articles on her blog:

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